E: esther@nlssm.com
Instagram: osteo_esther
Included with your rental:
- 7 days access to watch the webinar
- certificate of completion
- Worth 2 CPD points
Please note: you will have 7 days after the date of purchase to view the webinar and download your certificate. After this point, your enrolment will expire and you will no longer have access.
Red Flags and Lower Back Pain
by Esther Tang, B.Ost, BA (Hons), Dip NLSSM, FRCms, FRA
LBP is a very common condition for massage therapists to treat. Most cases are straightforward musculoskeletal issues but LBP can also be a sign of a variety of serious pathologies.
Join Esther in discovering common signs and symptoms that might make you suspect a client with a pathology that requires a referral
Session Goals:
– Increase your knowledge base to be able to make confident decisions as to when you can or cannot treat.
– Understand which red flag presentations of LBP would warrant further investigation.
– Be a better detective and know the right questions to ask.
– Be able to apply an appropriate and safe treatment.
Duration: 2 hours, 12 mins

About Esther
Esther originally trained at NLSSM. Her passion for learning has led her to complete an Osteopathy degree at the London School of Osteopathy (LSO). She works in private practice offering a patient centred approach to rehabilitation and performance. Esther enjoys teaching and loves to help her students’ in their learning journey.
Esther's early sporting life was spent in BJJ (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu) where she became the second woman in the UK to be promoted to rank of black belt. She also has experience in Judo, wrestling, powerlifting and climbing.